Following on last semester’s successful book club that tackled the topic of challenges in science writing and publication, the CSU Writes’ book club continues in Spring 2022. This semester’s book selection takes up the issue of productivity for healthful and engaged living. Oliver Burkeman’s 4000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals deconstructs the contemporary knowledge worker’s impulse to be “productive” to feel and contribute valuable.
For more than a decade Burkeman wrote for The Guardian and strove to find the most effective productivity “hacks” to share with his readers while he simultaneously strove to optimize his work efficiencies. He shares his conclusions and strategies in 4000 Weeks. The title refers to the number of weeks each of us will live, if we are lucky enough to live to our 80s, the average life expectancy for healthy adults. If the reminder of our inevitable death seems daunting, it is intended to be provocative. Burkman wants us to shift our focus from productivity for productivity’s sake to mull what is important and contributes value.
Because our research and scholarly writing is one of the primary ways that we share what is important—our writing has the capacity to contribute great value to our conversations, disciplines, and the world.
Please join us for a lively conversation about Burkeman’s ideas in 4000 Weeks. The reconsideration of and our conversation at CSU about productivity will be life enriching.
This book club session is currently set to be an in-person event only. If, however, Covid health protocols dictate, we will move to a virtual meeting space.
March 1, 5-6:30pm LSC 322