Are you an international scholar or graduate student? Are you in the process of writing a research article, presentation, poster, dissertation? INTERNATIONAL Writes focuses on challenges encountered by international academic scholars whose first language is not English.

We meet weekly on Thursdays from 10am – 12pm in the Lory Student Center #392—our stress-free, collaborative environment. You can sign up here.

Dr. Luciana Marques, a linguist in Department of English, will bring topics related to manuscript preparation for discussion and consult with individual writers during each Thursday session.

This semester, topics roughly follow the Write to Publish workshop format. Each week, a section of research-based genres is covered, considering its function in a research-based manuscript, such as a research article or dissertation.

These sessions are best for students and scholars who have already conducted research and are at the drafting or revising stage of a manuscript or proposal.

Topics for conversation include:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Revision
  • Non-experimental research manuscripts
  • Organization and flow
  • Grammar and style
  • Writing for different audiences
  • Presentations