Write Well: Writing Anxiety / Stress

Writing Anxiety / Stress

Brief overview of writing anxiety…


Mindful Writing Preparation with Dr. Deb Colbert

Dr. Colbert explains the importance of breath for writing well. She describes mindful breathing and the ease of incorporating two tools for calming the nervous system before a writing session: The “pause” and “lion’s breath.” Finally, she takes us through a guided mindful breathing session. 

Dr. Colbert is the Director of Professional Development at CSU’s Institute for Teaching and Learning (TILT) and Co-Director of CSU’s Center for Mindfulness.

Unwinding Anxiety            
by Judson Brewer

Psychologist and neurologist Judson Brewer discusses … 

Work/Life Balance

More Resources on Mindfulness:

Recommended reading list: 

– …

CSU Writes Workshops
& Skill Development

CSU offers a diverse array of professional development workshops each semester that are tailored to the needs of graduate students, faculty, and post-docs.

Grad Student / Post Docs workshops
(learn more & register)

Faculty / Post Docs workshops
(learn more & register)

Writing Retreats
Skill Development

Writing retreats provide designated time away from the day-to-day to focus on writing. These experiences are designed for researchers based on data-proven models of “writing in social spaces.”

Faculty / Post Docs writing retreats
(learn more & register)

Writing Groups
Skill Development

Writing groups help writers build momentum and make significant progress on writing projects. Research shows that academic writers write more pages and of a greater quality when they write regularly and among colleagues.

Grad Students: Dissertation And Thesis Accountability (DATA) writing groups (learn more)

Faculty / Post Docs: Writing Accountability for Research Projects (WARP) (learn more)