CSU Writes is a writing facilitation program designed for professional researchers and academic writers who are interested in boosting their productivity as they develop a sustainable writing practice.

While select offerings are open to all writers on campus, CSU Writes primarily serves faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students who write for publication, submission, and/or degree completion.

CSU Writes Introduces Buddy

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CSU Writes workshops address the 5 areas academic writers encounter their greatest challenges: Space, Time, Energy / Momentum, Academic Style, and Collaboration. Topics change each semester and explore the most current studies and trends in scholarly writing productivity and publishing.


Research writing can feel isolating and be all too easy to “put off until tomorrow.” Writers who attend retreats access a writing community here at CSU and tend to produce much more writing than they would on their own. Writing retreats are generally held on CSU’s main campus. Virtual retreats are held on Zoom or MSTeams.

show up & write.

drop-in writing sessions for CSU's research writers

CSU Writes is a research writing program designed for CSU’s field experts or becoming-experts. 

Housed in the Graduate School, it is funded by the Graduate School and the Vice President for Research.

CSU Writes is not the Writing Center

The Writing Center is housed in the English Department and provides writing consultations for undergraduate and graduate student writers to discuss their current writing project.

You can learn more about the Writing Center at: https://writingcenter.colostate.edu/

CSU Writes Innovation at DEMO DAY