CSU’s nearly 300 Postdoctoral Fellows can attend any FACULTY or GRAD workshops, retreats, and special offerings that suit their writing goals and needs. GRANT Writes, Guest Speakers, and Book Clubs are open to postdoctoral fellows.
FAC Options
Writing Retreats
CSU Writes offers multiple writing retreat options over the academic year and summer. Faculty retreats during the fall and spring semesters tend to be shorter (1-2 days). Summer retreats are longer with 4- or 5-day retreat options.
CSU Writes workshops address the 4 areas academic writers encounter their greatest challenges: SPACE, TIME, ENERGY/MOMENTUM, and ACADEMIC STYLE. Topics change each semester and explore the most current studies and trends in scholarly writing productivity and publishing.
GRAD Options
Writing Retreats
Academic writing can feel isolating and be all too easy to "put off until tomorrow." Writers who attend retreats access a writing community here at CSU and tend to produce much more writing than they would on their own. Writing retreats are generally held on CSU's main campus (2020-21 retreats are held remotely on Zoom or MSTeams). Retreat locations are confirmed when applicants have been accepted.
CSU Writes workshops address the 5 areas academic writers encounter their greatest challenges: SPACE, TIME, ENERGY/MOMENTUM, ACADEMIC STYLE, and COLLABORATION. Topics change each semester and explore the most current studies and trends in scholarly writing productivity and publishing. RSVP early to build writing support into your semester schedule. (All graduate students are welcome regardless if you register, but an RSVP helps us prepare materials.
Open Options
Write to Publish I Course (W2P-I)
Write to Publish is a 12 week series of workshops designed to guide graduate students through the process of crafting and polishing a manuscript for publication. This series is designed for graduate students who have conducted research and have a conference presentation or course paper they wish to revise for publication. Workshops run 1 x week for 50 minutes for 12 weeks.. Students may find it beneficial to purchase Wendy Belcher's WRITING YOUR JOURNAL ARTICLE IN TWELVE WEEKS.
Book Club
CSU Writes selects one book per semester that is relevant to research writing productivity. The book club is inclusive, and all interested readers from the CSU community are welcome to join the club discussion.