show up & write.

Showing up to your writing session is the first step to finishing your project.

show up & write. are hosted drop-in writing sessions to help writers maintain focus and produce more over the semester because we write together.

Writing hosts of sessions are CSU researchers, scholars, or staff who volunteer to hold a space for writing at regular times so that you can “show up & write” together.

Drop in as your schedule allowsfor 30 minutes, 1-hour, or up to 2-hours. Sessions are set for up to 2-hours to facilitate regular, focused, energized work by providing a structure that helps writers avoid binge writing and tipping into exhaustion.

Drop in regularly to build momentum and bring any task that will move your project forward.

IN PERSON, check the schedule below for times and locations on campus.

VIRTUAL, check the schedule below for times, then click the Microsoft Teams link to join.

Add show up & write. to your calendar to build momentum on writing projects.

sprint & write. hybrid sessions include timed blocks of writing and provide intense focus and enhanced productivity. These sessions are part of the 4-Hour Article Draft method. Writers who have reached the stage of drafting their manuscript may find they can generate a full draft by attending a few sessions. Spring 2025 dates and locations will be announced in January.


Virtual sessions begin January 27th

In-Person sessions begin February 3rd​

The Spring schedule will be posted at the beginning of the semester, so please check back at the end of January / beginning of February for times and locations to show up & write!

12-1:50pm  ||  Virtual (Microsoft Teams)  ||  Session Host: Becca Windell, Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

1-3pm  ||  Room: Weber 15  || Session Host: Kristina Moen, Mathematics

7:30-9:30am  ||  Virtual (Microsoft Teams)  ||  Session Host: Lauren Vilen, Education

9-12pm  ||  Room: LSC (rooms below)  || Session Host: Clara Mosso, ESS, Ecology

  • Feb 11: LSC 306
  • Feb 18: LSC 394
  • Feb 25: LSC 394
  • Mar 4: LSC 394
  • Mar 11: LSC 306
  • Mar 25: LSC 392
  • Apr 1 – May 6: : LSC 394

2-4pm  ||  Room: Eddy 110  || Session Host: Luke MacHale, Chemistry

4-6pm  ||  Virtual (Microsoft Teams)  ||  Session Host: VA Barber, OLPC, School of Education

12-1:50pm  ||  Virtual (Microsoft Teams)  ||  Session Host: Becca Windell, Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

4-6pm  ||  Room: ABL Building W104 @ Foothills Campus  || Session Host: Ghyslaine Ramirez, Biomedical Sciences

7:30-9:30am  ||  Virtual (Microsoft Teams)  ||  Session Host: Lauren Vilen, Education

9:30am-12pm  ||  Virtual (Microsoft Teams)  ||  Session Host: Kristina Moen, Mathematics

9-12pm  ||  Room: Eddy 110  || Session Host: Clara Mosso, ESS, Ecology

2-4pm  ||  Room: Eddy 110  || Session Host: Luke MacHale, Chemistry

Why we show up & write.

Studies show that academics tend to write more and more easily when they write together. CSU Writes’ drop-in writing sessions help research writers focus and work more efficiently because the sessions are designed to limit distractions and “contain” the very time, place, and duration of a writing stretch. 

Read more…

Session Hosts

show up & write. is possible because of our dedicated team of volunteer Session Hosts who, like you, may be faculty, postdoc, researcher, or graduate student. Sitting as a Session Hosts offers valuable additional structure and accountability to move project forward by committing to host two 2-hour sessions each week.  

If you would like to become a Session Host, fill out this form.


  • Clara Mosso – Mondays/Wednesdays 8-10am & Fridays 2-4pm Walnut 119
  • Kimi Conro – Mondays 9-11am, Thursdays 12-2pm, Fridays 12-2pm Virtual on Teams
  • Melissa Pickett – Mondays/Wednesdays 12-2pm, Virtual on Teams
  • Lauren Vilen – Tuesdays/Thursdays 8-10am, Virtual on Teams
  • Kristina Quynn – Tuesdays 9-11am, Walnut 101 & Virtual on Zoom
  • Jason Boes – Tuesdays 11am-1pm, Walnut 101
  • Kristina Moen – Tuesdays 1-3pm & Thursdays 12-2pm Walnut 101
  • Tamanda Chabvuta – Wednesdays Walnut 119
  • Luke MacHale – Thursdays 2-4pm Walnut 119

show up & write. for 20 sessions to earn CSU Writes swag!

The mug is great, but it was also a symbol for putting in the hours, and for me, that was the only way to get through it and commit to making regular progress.

– Molly Gutilla, Assistant Professor in Colorado School of Public Health