Write Well: Writing Relationships

Writing Relationships

Brief overview of writing relationships…

Writing With Others:

– Managing conflict with advisors and colleagues

– Collaborative / Team writing

Writing and Self:

– Personal / relationship to self (who am I as a writer?)

– Developing your network


Managing Conflict + Conflict Styles

with Dr. Meara Faw

Dr. Meara Faw presents on how to “Know Thyself” to understand our “Conflict Styles in Collaboration.” This workshop is designed to help viewers identify useful tools to navigate conflict well. Her presentation is rooted in current research. 

Dr. Faw is an Associate Professor of Communications at CSU, and teaches courses on Interpersonal Communication, Conflict Management and Communication, and Communication Theory.

More Resources on Writing Relationships:

Recommended readings: 

Writing Groups

– Bird, Karen. “Women’s Writing Groups: 5 Reasons to Start One” The Guardian (2014)

– Curtis, Claire. “The Rules of Writing Group” Chronicle of Higher Education (2011)

– Golde, Chris. “Tips for Writing Groups” Univ. Wisconsin–Madison (1996)

– Jensen, Joli. “Don’t Go It Alone” Chronicle Vitae (2014)

CSU Writes Workshops
& Skill Development

CSU offers a diverse array of professional development workshops each semester that are tailored to the needs of graduate students, faculty, and post-docs.


Grad Student / Post Docs workshops
(learn more & register)

Faculty / Post Docs workshops
(learn more & register)

Writing Retreats
Skill Development

Writing retreats provide designated time away from the day-to-day to focus on writing. These experiences are designed for researchers based on data-proven models of “writing in social spaces.”

Faculty / Post Docs writing retreats
(learn more & register)

Writing Groups
Skill Development

Writing groups help writers build momentum and make significant progress on writing projects. Research shows that academic writers write more pages and of a greater quality when they write regularly and among colleagues.

Grad Students: Dissertation And Thesis Accountability (DATA) writing groups (learn more)

Faculty / Post Docs: Writing Accountability for Research Projects (WARP) (learn more)