Series 1: Power of Habit
JAN 22 | Project Planning: Large and Multiple Writing Projects this Semester
JAN 29 | Writing with Ease: Focus, Automate, Regulate
JAN 27 – MAY 5 | DATA: Dissertation and Thesis Accountability | Mondays, 1-2:30pm.
Series 2: Smarter, Faster, Better
FEB 4 | Write at Speed
FEB 11 | Reading, Notetaking, and Synthesizing for the Literature
FEB 18 | Responsible AI for Research & Academic Writing
Series 3: Super Communicators
FEB 25 | Tell a Captivating Research Story: Approaches and Strategies
FEB 26 | Zotero Zen: Mastering the Art of Citing with Ease
MAR 4 | Your Writing Style: Grammar, Voice, and Connecting with Readers
TBA | Punctuation with Stephanie G’Schwind
Webinars and Workshops
Project Planning: Large and Multiple Writing Projects this Semester
JAN 22 | 12-1:30pm | Zoom
This webinar provides writers with proven methods (and some inspiration) to plan their semester’s writing projects. Topics include scheduling, project breakdown and generation, and realistic goal setting for writing success. These approaches will help writers prioritize writing in their schedules while assuring they have also included for rest, recreation, and other life-affirming activities. Participants will take away strategies for creating and maintaining a workable writing schedule that supports their wellbeing and semester writing.
Writing with Ease: Focus, Automate, Regulate
JAN 29 | 12-1:30pm | Zoom
Academic writing may not ever be easy, but researchers can create a sense of ease to facilitate their writing. In this webinar, we explore evidence-backed writing habits and strategies of productive (and even happy) academics. Participants will identify the couple base habits that will help them best develop their writing skills and practices this semester.
Write at Speed
FEB 4 | 12-1:30pm | Zoom
In this webinar, we will explore and practice strategies that help writers draft quickly (and edit slowly) to increase writing productivity and to build momentum on projects.
Note: sprint & write. starts FEB 11
W2P: Write to Publish Course
Mondays 3-3:50pm
The Write to Publish (W2P) non-credit course guides writers through the steps of producing an article for publication in 12 weeks.
The course is open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and CSU researchers.
Reading, Notetaking, and Synthesizing for the Literature Review
FEB 11 | 12-1:30pm | Zoom
This webinar explores strategies that help researchers digest highly specialized readings so that they can integrate sources deftly into their manuscripts (articles, chapters, theses). We will explore how to breakdown large reading lists into bite-sized chunks and identify key elements for the literature review.
Responsible AI for Research & Academic Writing
FEB 18 | 12-1:30pm | Zoom
This webinar places AI writing tools in conversation with criteria of ethical production of research and scholarship. We will explore and develop AI literacy skills in service of ethically produced writing and contributions to our fields of study.
Tell a Captivating Research Story: Approaches and Strategies
FEB 25 | 12-1:30pm | Zoom
This webinar focuses on simple and applicable storytelling structures that help writers identify the most important elements of their studies to share with readers (or listeners if presenting). To captivate your readers, you must also understand the optimal arrangement of ideas and modes of expression that help them connect with your work. We will learn how to craft compelling titles, to shape focused statements of project and purpose, and to create “punch lines” for clarity.
Zotero Zen: Mastering the Art of Citing with Ease with CSU Libraries
FEB 26 | 12-1:30pm | Morgan Library 173
This in-person session is hosted and presented by software experts from the CSU Libraries: Rachelle Ramer and Anna Ferri. If you are just starting to work with Zotero, plan to attend at 12pm for a guided walk-thru of installing and familiarizing yourself with the program. If you are already working with Zotero but wish to develop your skills and learn how to streamline your source collection and organization process, join us at 12:30pm for an in-depth workshop to learn how to master the art of citing with ease.
Your Writing Style: Grammar, Voice, and Connecting with Readers
MAR 4 | 12-1:30pm | Zoom
This webinar will help you recognize your writing style within word choices and sentence structures. We will explore sentences that draw readers in and help them understand your work. We will also discuss the structures of active and passive sentences so that you can decide what “voice” to use and when in your manuscripts.
Punctuation with Stephanie G’Schwind
MAR 11 | 12-1:30PM | LSC 276-78
This workshop covers the basic rules of correct punctuation: commas, semi-colons, colons, dashes, and more! Guest presenter Stephanie G’Schwind is the editor of Colorado Review and the director of the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University.
Prior Workshops & Series
- Fresh Start: Scheduling Tools
- Literature Review
- Writing for Publication
- Abstracts
- Write for Speed I and II
- Reverse Outlining
- Getting and Using Feedback
- Summary/Paraphrase
- Punctuation
- Overcome Writing Stalls
- Engaging Audiences
- Passive/Active Voice
FALL 2021
- Schedule to Prioritize Writing
- Deal with Inner Writing Critics
- Summarize & Paraphrase & Avoid Plagiarizing
- Literature Review
- Abstracts
- Productivity & Well-Being
- How to Prepare to Write
- Edit for Clarity: Top 3 Sentence Issues
- EDT Info Session (with Graduate School and Library experts)
- Write for Speed
- Schedule to Prioritize Writing
- Writing for Publication
- Summarize & Paraphrase & Avoid Plagiarizing
- Literature Review
- Write Concisely with the Writer’s Diet
- Citation Management Software
- How to Prepare to Write
- Edit for Clarity: Top 3 Sentence Issues
- EDT Info Session (with Graduate School and Library experts)
- Write for Speed
- Writing Your Teaching Philosophy
FALL 2020
- Schedule to Prioritize Writing
- Summarize & Paraphrase & Avoid Plagiarizing
- Literature Review
- Productivity & Well-Being
- How to Punctuate (with Stephanie G’Schwind)
- Edit for Clarity
- Edit for Flow
- EDT Info Session (with Graduate School and Library experts)
- Write for Speed
- The Magic Writing Workshop
- Habits that Build & Sustain Writing Momentum
- Writing for Publication
- Productivity & Well-Being
- ETD (Electronic Thesis & Dissertation) Information Session
- Create Your “Shelter in Place” Research Writing Action Plan
- Edit for Flow (organization & development)
- Edit for Wordiness (sentence-level editing for clarity & concision)
- The Literature Review: How to Prepare & Organize
- How to Punctuate
- Passive Voice: When & When Not to Use
Construction Management/School of Education Workshop Series:
2/19: Writing as Construction
2/26: Frame & Connect
4/1: Engineering Sentences
4/8: Clarity & ReVision