Career-Building Publications & Proposals: Spring Semester Writing Matters
JAN 22 | 2-2:50pm | Zoom
This webinar helps researchers and scholars prioritize and plan their spring semester writing projects. We will explore the often-fragmented quality of academic life and identify practical methods and resources that will help you achieve your semester’s writing goals.
Write with Ease: Habit and Productive Practice
JAN 29 | 2-2:50 | Zoom
This webinar covers topics of time chunking, agile scheduling, and habit formation. These approaches will help writers prioritize writing in their schedules while assuring they have also included for rest, recreation, and other life-affirming activities. Participants will take away strategies for creating and maintaining a workable writing schedule that supports their wellbeing and semester writing goals.
How to AI: Tools, Guides, and Conversations (in-person)
FEB 19 | 2-3:30pm | LSC 372
This in-person session provides a general introduction to the most common LLM text generation, editing, and review tools CSU faculty and graduate students are currently using. We will discuss when it makes sense to use text tools, how to use responsibly, and how to talk with colleagues about AI and writing. Researchers will leave this session with greater confidence in talking about and deciding when (and when not) to use AI tools.
Productive Collaborations: Writing with Students, Colleagues, and Teams
MAR 5 | 2-2:50pm | Zoom
This webinar shares strategies for creating productive collaborative writing relationships across the career span. We will collaboration models, types of feedback, and co-author and collaboration agreements. We will consider the asymmetries of power and writing across differences (cultural and disciplinary backgrounds, career status, knowledge base, working and writing styles). We will also cover strategies to provide feedback effectively to help graduate students and colleagues move writing projects forward with greater efficiency and ease.