As we head into the final weeks of the fall semester, we also start looking ahead to plan spring semester writing projects and events.
Proctor for show up & write.
Each semester volunteer proctors show up and write in designated 2-hour shifts from 8am-5pm (sometimes later, depending on the proctor) so that we can also show up and write with company.
Proctors create and hold a space for writing together, which studies on “writing in social spaces” have shown to lower feelings of writing anxiety and task avoidance among writers. If you are interested in volunteer proctoring in the Spring 2022 semester, send us your interest and availability by completing this < 3 min Google form.
CSU Writes SPRING 2022 Events
This spring, CSU Writes will continue weekly workshops and monthly retreats to support the writing practices and productivity of graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, research, and faculty writers at CSU.
Look for a couple new offerings: Starting in February, we will pilot weekly writing accountability support for grant writers. In April, we will pilot a writing software “Skills Swap”—if you have developed skills with writing apps or with other software, we’d love to feature your skills!
Please note: It takes a few weeks for us to update the CSU Writes website, and we appreciate your patience as we get spring semester events posted (by mid-January).
Until we meet again in January, may your writing be brief, frequent, low stress, and highly rewarding.