We are thrilled to announce Laurel Bond will offer Tuesday afternoon drop-in writing sessions for international non-native English writing graduate students (postdoctoral fellows and visiting faculty are welcome, too).
If English is your second, third, or even fourth language, and you are looking for a quiet place to write where you can also ask questions about writing in English from a knowledgeable instructor, International Writes is the place for you!
Each Tuesday’s session will start with a short, guided conversation about writing in English with writing advice, reminders, and strategies.
Drop-in. Write. Query. Learn. Progress.
FEB 8 – May 3
Tuesdays, 3-5pm, LSC 390 (conference room on north side)
About the facilitator: English writing instructor Laurel Bond has been teaching courses in graduate level writing (GRAD 580A, GRAD550, and now GRAD530/540) for years. Her instruction has created space for conversations the types of documents graduate students write—ranging from course assignments to literature reviews, to drafts of articles for publication, and more. A couple of the courses that Bond teaches are designed for CSU’s International, non-native English writing graduate students. Working with students whose first language (or second or third) is not English is Bond’s specialty and devotion. We are lucky to have her leading International Writes in 2022.