Write to Publish (W2P) is a 12-week series of workshops designed to guide postdocs and graduate students through the process of crafting and polishing a manuscript for publication. This series is best for participants who have already conducted research and have a conference presentation or course paper they wish to revise for publication.
JAN 27 Intro & Scheduling
FEB 3 Writing for Publication
FEB 10 Abstracts
FEB 17 Literature Review
FEB 24 Reverse Outlining
MAR 10 Getting/Using Feedback
MAR 24 Revising: Organization and Flow
MAR 31 Presenting & Integrating Evidence
APR 7 Openings and Conclusions
APR 14 Revising: Clarity & Concision
APR 21 Submitting: Cover Letters
APR 28 Responding to Readers
Please visit the Write to Publish page on the CSU Writes website for more detailed information.