June 2020
Dear CSU Community,
At a time of global pandemic, we also bear witness to acts of police brutality against Black Americans and to the legacy of systemic racism that threads through America’s institutions. The recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and so many others are deeply saddening. Their loss calls us to stand, speak, and shout out against racial injustice in all its manifestations.
We at CSU Writes stand in solidarity with President McConnell, the Office of the Vice President for Diversity (VPD), and all CSU colleges, departments and programs who have spoken out to affirm that Black lives matter and that Black Rams Matter.
We come together at CSU as anti-racists and as allies to stand up and to speak out against systemic racism. We come together in multiple and powerful ways to compel change: Some of us will march. Some of us will share and console. Some of us will research and study. Some of us will propose solutions. Together, as a research institution, we will listen. We will hear. We will learn. And, eventually, we will write.
CSU Writes is committed to our coming together to research and produce scholarship in ways that affirm the belonging of all who make up our academic community and to celebrating the kaleidoscopic differences among us.
As part of our learning and sharing, we have a list of resources that are specific to issues of racism in higher education. In these documents, we hear Robert Seller’s exhaustion as a Black academic; we learn from Sheila Gregory’s history of Black women academics; and we confront the new Jim Crow in post-Civil Rights America.
Below are guides from academics of color about how to build a career in academe and corresponding calls for racial justice in British colleges and universities. And, for continually updated resources on anti-racism, see the resources and blogs on the VPD website.
In solidarity,
Kristina Quynn, Director CSU Writes
CSU Writes Team
Some Additional Reads Re: Being Black in Academe Career-Building in Higher Education as Professional of Color, and the Relationship between Prisons and Higher Education in America
“How Long Must We Wait?: What it’s like to be black and exhausted in America.” by Robert Sellers, June 03, 2020
“Being a Black Academic in America: No One Escapes without Scars.” Chronicle Review. April 18, 2019
“The Ugly Truth of Being a Black Professor in America.” by George Yancy, April 29, 2018
“What It Feels Like to Be a Black Professor.” by John L. Jackson Jr., January 26, 2015
“Black Faculty Women in the Academy: History, Status, and Future.” by Sheila T. Gregory, 2002
Videos & Podcasts
Iwi Ugiagbe-Green, “Let’s Talk about Being Black in the Academy” (UK) TEDxKeele. June 5, 2020
On Point Interview: Christian Cooper and founders of Embrace Race. June 2, 2020
Daniel Geiter, “He who opens a school closes a prison” TEDx. November 21, 2016
Megan Ming Francis, “Let’s Get to the Root of Racial Injustice” TEDx. March 21, 2016
Malcom Gladwell, “Miss Buchanan’s Period of Adjustment” Revisionist History
Black in Academia (UK), Leading Routes. Youtube
Books (**denotes books that CSU Writes can lend)
Counternarratives from Women of Color Academics: Bravery, Vulnerability, and Resistance. Routledge (2019)
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander. (2010/2020)
**Toxic Ivory Towers: The Consequences of Work Stress on Underrepresented Minority Faculty by Ruth Enid Zambrana (2018)
**Written/Unwritten: Diversity and the Hidden Truths of Tenure (2016)
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement by Angela Davis (2016)
Beginning a Career in Academia: A Guide for Graduate Students of Color. (2014)
**Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia. (2012)
**The Black Academic’s Guide to Winning Tenure–Without Losing Your Soul. by Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey Laszloffy (2008)
**On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life. (2012)
Narratives of Marginalized Identities in Higher Education: Inside and Outside the Academy. Routledge (2018)
Organizations with Resources on Race and Education
NAACP. Education. https://www.naacp.org/issues/education/
Embrace Race. https://www.embracerace.org
Leading Routes (UK) https://leadingroutes.org/bia