Faculty participants have said...
“My writing group definitely kept me writing–i.e., making my writing time a priority. It also helped me think about quality vs. quantity issues, publication strategies, etc.”
“With the help of CSU Writes I was able to form a writing group that met every Wednesday. What I found most interesting is that my colleagues in my writing group also had similar difficulties finding time to write because of teaching commitments…”
“Thank you very much for organizing this workshop and arranging for the speaker (Dr. Jensen). It was very helpful to learn about the myths and for knowing what I am going through is not unique. Very helpful.”
“Have too numerous to count unfinished projects and have lost my way in how to chip off a little to make any perceived progress against this mountain. Now I have the tools to begin a new exciting phase of my life.”
“I am a tenure-track faculty member and must write to keep my job. This has been a struggle and I found this workshop to be very helpful in goal setting and strategies for accomplishing writing goals.”
“I would like to see CSU Writes continue and expand in the future. All new faculty as well as grad students should be alerted to it.”
Graduate student participants have said...
“… I benefited from all of the offerings I participated in and the writing practices I learned about. Being in a field known for bad writers and yet having to produce quality writing has been a challenge. I felt like I had little support from my department, committee, and advisor to help me learn how to be a good academic writer. CSU Writes was able to fill that gap for me. I think the sense of community resulting for discussions with others in the workshops, retreat, and writing groups were extremely helpful. The workshops and retreats really helped me to look at writing as a practice, which allowed me to give myself permission to try different approaches to see what worked best for me. I also cannot say enough about how helpful “show up & write” was for helping me to move forward with my writing. Having a neutral space away from the distractions at my office was really helpful in getting me to spend my writing time actually writing. It also really helped me to regularly schedule my writing because I could treat it as I would a class.”