CSU Demo Day is an annual symposium that spotlights innovative research and celebrates connections between industry and academe across the CSU System and Northern Colorado. Hosted by CSU STRATA, this year’s event took place on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at the Lory Student Center Grand Ballrooms.
CSU Writes was thrilled to be there, too! CSU faculty, graduate students, alumni and Fort Collins community members visited the CSU Writes table at the event. It was gratifying to talk with researchers about writing as a cornerstone practice and process in professional and career development. We also connected with writers at CSU well versed in the CSU Writes approach to individual and community writer development.
Jason Boes, a PhD candidate from the Chemistry department said his CSU Writes experience was the “most productive I’ve ever been in grad school.”
Alyssa May an alumna and Assistant Director of Analytical Resources Core shared: “The CSU Writes Retreats were an absolute life saver for me for finishing graduate school. The program helped me find the motivation to set aside time to dedicate to writing. I accomplished so much more in the writing retreats than when I worked on my own. I would recommend the program to EVERY graduate student at ALL phases of their degree.”
Three dedicated facilitators and interns represented CSU Writes at this year’s event: Dr. Hana Gatlawi–the facilitator for show up & write., Kimi Conro–the intern supporting DATA groups and special projects, and Nancy Achiaa Frimpong–the Communication intern. They made this year’s Demo Day fun and engaging. Click the link below to see more pictures from the event. CSU @ Demo Day – Made with Clipchamp (1).mp4 (sharepoint.com)
We were grateful to participate in the CSU Demo Day, and we look forward to connecting with more CSU’s writers, researchers, and entrepreneurs at future events!