CSU Writes is a modest program with a BIG reach across campus. We bring researchers and scholars together from dozens of disciplines to support their writing productivity and craft. We support hundreds of writers with thousands of event attendances each year. We conduct original research in the field of writing studies. And, we have a lot of engaged, thought-provoking fun!

None of this would be possible without the conscientious and dedicated work of CSU Writes’ interns. They are the engines of the program behind-the-scenes. The internships are paid and are designed for graduate students; although, we have also had postdoctoral fellows join the CSU Writes team.

Like each intern, each internship is unique. The intern program is competitive, with a number of applicants for each position. The program is designed to be mutually beneficial and encourages interns to draw from their own areas of interest or expertise to contribute to the CSU Writes program. This year’s group are wonderfully talented and reflect a diversity of backgrounds, programs, and projects:

  • Kimi Conro (Journalism and Media Communications) runs our DATA Groups
  • Khadija Holder (Business Administration) provides web communications support
  • Nellie Kassebaum (Public Health) runs the Newsletter and provides web support
  • Heidi Klem (Chemistry) returns this year to run the WARP (Writing Accountability for Research Projects) bi-weekly email check ins
  • Rudy Leal McCormack (Political Science) is reviewing program options for adding Job Application support to CSU Writes’ offerings
  • Lauren Mangus (English) processes registrations, attendances, and helps with the database
  • Tawni Riepe (Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology) is running a 100+ institution survey project
  • Laura van der Pol (Soil & Crop Sciences) runs show up & write. and provides NREL/USGS support
  • Sarah Van Etten (Education, Equity & Transformation) supports collaborative writing research project and co-facilitates ED Writes in the School of Education

You can read about our fabulous interns on the CSU Writes “People” page: https://csuwrites.colostate.edu/people/

If you are a graduate student who is interested in applying for a paid internship, you can look for announcements in late summer via the Graduate School and on Handshake. You can also reach out to CSU Writes for information at [email protected] and see the CSU Writes https://csuwrites.colostate.edu.