Spring brings more sunshine, more rain (or snow), and increased pressure to finish up those lingering writing projects.
To address the writing pressures our early- through late-career researchers and professional writers face in the spring, we have organized a collection of workshops with guest presenters that focus on writing Well. Look for these upcoming workshops in the Write Well series:
APRIL 2 | 12-1:30pm | LSC 304-306 (lunch provided; register early)
Writing with Ease and Grace with Dr. Roel Sneider
Dr. Roel Sneider is an award-winning Geophysicist and W.M. Keck Distinguished Chair of Professional Development at Colorado School of Mines. In this workshop, Sneider acknowledges that many of us face hurdles that keep us from writing with ease and grace. Examples include the curse of perfection, a wish to not be vulnerable and to keep a low profile, or a sense of having to do it all alone. These are barriers that can be overcome with effective strategies. Author of The Joy of Science, Sneider brings practical writing and interpersonal skills to CSU from his training as a theoretical physicist, building a career in the sciences, and practicing ease and grace.
APRIL 10 | 12-1:30pm | LSC 300 (lunch provided; register early)
Tell Your Story: Memoir Methods for Researchers with Ross Atkinson
What first brought you to advanced research or scholarly studies? What will be your research or scholarly legacy? How do you craft the story of your career to help others understand your work and contributions to a field of study?
Everyone has a story to tell—a memory held onto that begs to be captured and framed, or perhaps released or reframed. Whatever your memoir goals are, this workshop is aimed at helping you get your story out. Modeled after CSU’s Military-connected Writing Workshop, this event is aimed at extracting, through targeted writing prompts, memories about significant moments in life. Don’t know if you have a story to tell? Come find out! No experience necessary. This session is open to all writers on campus.
Lunch buffet for diverse food needs will be provided at each session. Register early at: csuwrites.colostate.edu/guest-speakers