CSU Writes is happy to introduce our Spring 2024 interns. These interns assist Dr. Kristina Quynn, the director of CSU Writes, to coordinate researchers and scholars from dozens of disciplines to support their writing productivity and craft. CSU Writes interns are effective behind-the-scenes facilitators who drive the program forward.  This year’s group reflect a diversity of backgrounds, programs, and projects:  

  • Conor McMahon is from the Biological Chemical Engineering department and serves as the data intern. 
  • Hana Gatlawi is from the Microbiology, immunology, Pathology department and serves as the facilitator for show up & write.  
  • Kimi Conro runs CSU Writes data group and teams and is from Journalism and Media Communications department. 
  • Lindsey Bush is from the School of Education and serves as the Writing Accountability for Research Projects (WARP) Coordinator. 
  • Nancy Achiaa Frimpong is the Communication intern and is from Communication Studies department. 
  • Riana Slyter is from the Communication Studies department and is the intern in charge of Special Data Project Program Analysis. 

You can read about our fabulous interns on the CSU Writes “People” page: https://csuwrites.colostate.edu/people/  . 

The internships are paid and are designed for graduate students; although, we have also had postdoctoral fellows join the CSU Writes team. The intern program is competitive, with a number of applicants for each position. The program is designed to be mutually beneficial and encourages interns to draw from their own areas of interest or expertise to contribute to the CSU Writes program.     

If you are a graduate student who is interested in applying for a paid internship, you can look for announcements in late summer via the Graduate School and on Handshake. You can also reach out to CSU Writes for information at [email protected] and see the CSU Writes https://csuwrites.colostate.edu.  


Writing can be a solo endeavor, but it does not have to be lonely, stressful, or cumbersome. It can be liberating, enjoyable and therapeutic. Yes, even therapeutic, if you have the right resources to walk you down the writing path, the right spaces to ignite your muse and the desire to complete your writing project.   

CSU provides multiple writing resources and spaces for students and faculty to accomplish their writing projects: spaces, conversations, consultations. Whether it is the silence you desire, or the intermittent distractions of shuffling feet, muffled giggles and loud phone conversations, or the proximity to books, or virtual consultations and engagement, writing spaces are spread across campus. Each space tends to different writing needs and routines. Writing guides and consultations are designed to make your writing journey a success.   

CSU Writes 

show up & write.  CSU writes provides many writing programs to help boost your productivity and develop a sustainable writing practice. The Show Up & Write sessions are designed to help you write more, write alongside others, maintain focus and produce more. There are many multiple time slots from Monday through to Thursday from 8am to 4pm. There are 2-hour sessions either in-person or virtual. Drop-in and write for as long as you can and your schedule allows. 

 CSU Library. The Morgan library has different resources for meeting your writing needs. You can use the main library or reserve a study room for group or individual study during library working hours. Study room reservation is easy and simple. There are perks to reserving study rooms at the library for writing purposes. These rooms come equipped with a large video monitor, and a whiteboard. You can request dry-erase markers, and laptops at the Library Services desk. Users have a 3-hour time limit per day. Visit the CSU library website and go to Reserve A Room to make reservations using your CSU NetID and password.   

Library Cube. There is also the CSU Libraries 24/7 Study Space in Morgan Library. If you study or write between midnight and 6am, the library has arrangements to accommodate your writing routine. The Library Cube is a 24-hour study space for students and Faculty. It is the glass unit north of the library entrance. This space is available all day. There is no reservation required. You only need your ID card to swipe into the library entrance after the main library closes.  

Additional spaces on campus for writing: If you are up for the magic scenery provides, then consider these other spaces like the Lory Student Center, Behavioral Sciences building and Biology building. 

 Writing@CSU Are you searching for specific materials that address writing? Writing@CSU is your next stop shop. Writing@CSU provides support for writers and teachers of writing. Writing@CSU is an open-access educational website supported by Colorado State University. The website has excellent instructional materials like writing guides for different writing projects and directs users to various resources for writers.  

Writing Center: Do you want feedback on your writing? The CSU Writing Center offers free consultations and feedback drafts to all writers at the university. You can request face-to-face consultations, real-time online consultations, and written responses to drafts via their online draft response queue.